Administrative Core
The Administration Core serves as the operational backbone of the OSCTR, ensuring effective management, strategic oversight, and seamless coordination of all center activities. Our core functions include stakeholder engagement, communication strategies, scientific writing assistance, and development of centralized resources. Through these efforts, we aim to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of our investigators and support community engagement in clinical and translational research (CTR).
Core Leadership
OUHSC Senior Vice Provost – Gary Raskob, PhD
OSCTR PI/Program Director – Judith James (MD, PhD),
OSCTR Program Coordinator/Associate Director – Tim VanWagoner (PhD)
Mision of the Core
The primary mission of the OSCTR Admin Core is to coordinate and facilitate the critical missions of the OSCTR Cores, ensure appropriate and effective use of resources, and leverage other state, federal, and institutional investments to improve CTR capacity for our underserved and underrepresented communities.
Admin Core Functions
The Admin Core supports marketing, access, prioritization, and evaluation for each Core included in this renewal application. The Admin Core integrates and oversees the work of each of these Cores to ensure cohesiveness of their activities and facilitate interactions across the various partners and other IDeA programs in the state.
The OSCTR will continue to expand CTR throughout Oklahoma and other IDeA states by
forging and maintaining productive collaborations
overseeing the development, revision, and implementation of policies and procedures for network governance
providing CTR infrastructure and support to partners without historical strengths in these areas
supporting a research pipeline spanning the translational research spectrum
helping to implement research discoveries and best medical practices through our practice-based research networks and community partnerships.
The Admin Core will also lead the expansion of the extensive collaborations developed during COVID between IDeA-CTRs and IDeA-state CTSAs by cooperatively building infrastructure, providing professional development opportunities for researchers, staff, and community organizations, and addressing other pressing health needs shared by our states.
Scientific Writing Unit (SWU)
Scientific Writing Unit (SWU) helps collect, develop, and maintain content for GRO and coordinate with the CEO Core to share research results with research participants, community partners, and communities of interest.