About the OSCTR

Overview and Mission Statement

The Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resource (OSCTR) was formed to:

  • Serve as a catalyst to facilitate clinical and translational research
  • Improve health for underserved and underrepresented populations living in rural areas
  • Provide clinical and translational research training and infrastructure to junior investigators
  • Expand opportunities for IDeA states and communities to participate in clinical and translational research
  • Improve the overall health of our citizens

The OSCTR is funded by grant U54GM104938 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, a part of the National Institutes of Health. This grant provided $20.3 million from 2013 to 2018 to aid our efforts to improve the health of our population. It was successfully renewed in 2018 for an additional $20 million from 2018 to 2023.


Goals and Plans for the OSCTR

Overarching objectives (OSCTR long-term outcomes) that lead to specific plans (clinical goals) accomplished by smart tactics (CTR activities) enable us to accomplish our goals and stay focused on our purpose.  Read more about our pillars or objectives, strategies, and tactics below.

Goals (long-term OSCTR outcomes):

  • Enhance health equality for rural and tribal population
  • Improve health outcomes in Oklahoma and IDeA states
  • Increase quality of life in Oklahoma and similar IDeA states
  • Increase life expectancies of tribal citizens and Oklahomans

Plans (clinical goals):

  • Improve cancer outcomes
  • Decrease arthritis and autoimmune disability
  • Improve CV outcomes
  • Decrease substance abuse
  • Improve mental health
  • Decrease obesity
  • Improve child health
  • Decrease diabetes and complications

Tactics (clinical and translational activities):

  • Early-stage translational research
  • Clinical studies
  • Clinical trials
  • Effectiveness studies
  • Community based participatory research
  • Dissemination and implementation research 

What is Clinical and Translational Research?

Clinical research broadly covers the study of human health and illness, testing new methods of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.

Translational research focuses on achieving improved health outcomes based on scientific discoveries, bridging the gap between basic research and clinical research.

Community Partners 

The Oklahoma Clinical and Translational Science Institute unites nonprofits, American Indian communities, public agencies, and primary care providers in research addressing the poor health outcomes of our residents. We serve 38 federally recognized American Indian tribes; two major medical schools; dental, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, public health, and graduate colleges; two private non-profit research foundations; and a total of 27 separate organizations.

Read More on Community Partners

Membership with OSCTR

The OSCTR's primary goal is to advance and support clinical and translational research in Oklahoma. A major component of this goal is mentoring and supporting investigators performing clinical and/or translational research focusing on improving the health and treatment options for historically underrepresented or underserved populations.

The OSCTR welcomes senior investigators willing to be clinical and translational science research mentors and junior and mid-career investigators interested in developing CTR projects. 

Apply for Membership

About the OCTSI

Oklahoma Clinical and Translational Science Institute (OCTSI)

The Oklahoma Clinical and Translational Science Institute (OCTSI) at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is the academic home of the Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources (OSCTR).

The OCTSI supports and maintains operations for the OSCTR including ______

To access OCTSI resources and information visit the site below.

OCTSI Home Page

Institutional Resources

Oklahoma IDeA Programs and Institutional Resources

Landing page has a menu of programs/institutions. These go to a page or frame for each program/ institution with a brief description and external link, list of resources/cores (call up from the directory)