- Conduct Background Research
Robert M Bird Library Research Tools.
Here you can find help with research needs, writing assistance, citation management, and reference services.
NLM Pubmed
NLM Pubmed has over 26 million citations from biomedical literature. The site contains citation, abstracts, and links to full text articles.
NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)
NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools is a database for NIH and other PHS funded studies. This tool allows you to search to determine if your research idea is novel and to ascertain the types of research different institutes have funded in the past.
- OUHSC Campus Library Resources
- National Databases and Collections
- Review the Ethical Issues and Training Requirements for Human Subjects Research
Institutional Research Board
IRB Submission Process Flowchart
IRB Criteria For Review (Exempt) (Expedited)
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) -requires log in
Institutional Research Board
- OUHSC Regulatory Policies and Procedures Policies
- Develop Your Study Design
Under construction
- Determine Study Feasibility – Statistical, Research Design, and Informatics Consultation
- Locate Available Core Facilities and Resources
- Find Collaborators or Mentors
- Identify Funding for Your Research
- Write and Submit Your Grant Proposal
OUHSC Office of Research Administration General Policies
Conflict of Interest Policies
You must route your grant research contracts through the SoonerTrack system SoonerTrack Grants SoonerTrack Agreements
- Grants and Proposal Submission and Policies
- Grant and Research Related Proposal Forms
- OUHSC Institutional General Information
- Budget Development
- Grants and Contracts Accounting (GCA) Policies
- NIH Proposal Section Samples
- Resource Paragraphs for Proposals
- Consider Intellectual Property