COVID-19 Exacerbates Neurovascular Uncoupling and Contributes to Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment

5 days 6 hours ago
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) affects nearly 20% of older adults worldwide, with no targetable interventions for prevention. COVID-19 adversely affects cognition, with >70% of older adults with Long COVID presenting with cognitive complaints. Neurovascular coupling (NVC), an essential mechanism of cognitive function, declines with aging and is further attenuated in neurocognitive disorders. The effect of COVID-19 on NVC responses has yet to be addressed in older adults who are vulnerable to...
Cameron D Owens

Time-restricted eating for prevention of age-related vascular cognitive decline in older adults: A protocol for a single-arm open-label interventional trial

1 month ago
Age-related cerebromicrovascular endothelial dysfunction underlies the initiation and progression of cognitive dysfunction and dementia, thus increasing the susceptibility of older adults to such conditions. Normal brain function requires dynamic adjustment of cerebral blood flow to meet the energetic demands of active neurons, which is achieved the homeostatic mechanism neurovascular coupling (NVC). In this context, therapeutical strategies aimed at rescuing or preserving NVC responses can...
Ana Clara da C Pinaffi-Langley

Energy metabolism dysregulation, cerebrovascular aging, and time-restricted eating: Current evidence and proof-of-concept findings

1 month 2 weeks ago
Dysregulated energy metabolism is a hallmark of aging, including brain aging; thus, strategies to restore normal metabolic regulation are at the forefront of aging research. Intermittent fasting, particularly time-restricted eating (TRE), is one of these strategies. Despite its well-established effectiveness in improving metabolic outcomes in older adults, the effect of TRE on preserving or improving cerebrovascular health during aging remains underexplored. We explored how aging itself affects...
Ana Clara da C Pinaffi-Langley

CFD investigations of a shape-memory polymer foam-based endovascular embolization device for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms

1 month 2 weeks ago
The hemodynamic and convective heat transfer effects of a patient-specific endovascular therapeutic agent based on shape-memory polymer foam (SMPf) are evaluated using computational fluid dynamics studies for six patient-specific aneurysm geometries. The SMPf device is modeled as a continuous porous medium with full expansion for the flow studies and with various degrees of expansion for the heat transfer studies. The flow simulation parameters were qualitatively validated based on the existing...
Tanner L Cabaniss

CFD investigations of a shape-memory polymer foam-based endovascular embolization device for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms

2 months 1 week ago
The hemodynamic and convective heat transfer effects of a patient-specific endovascular therapeutic agent based on shape memory polymer foam (SMPf) are evaluated using computational fluid dynamics studies for six patient-specific aneurysm geometries. The SMPf device is modeled as a continuous porous medium with full expansion for the flow studies and with various degrees of expansion for the heat transfer studies. The flow simulation parameters were qualitatively validated based on the existing...
Tanner Cabaniss

Finding Long-COVID: temporal topic modeling of electronic health records from the N3C and RECOVER programs

2 months 3 weeks ago
Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), also known as Long-COVID, encompasses a variety of complex and varied outcomes following COVID-19 infection that are still poorly understood. We clustered over 600 million condition diagnoses from 14 million patients available through the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C), generating hundreds of highly detailed clinical phenotypes. Assessing patient clinical trajectories using these clusters allowed us to identify individual conditions...
Shawn T O'Neil

Evaluating COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness during pre-Delta, Delta and Omicron dominant periods among pregnant people in the U.S.: Retrospective cohort analysis from a nationally sampled cohort in National COVID Collaborative Cohort (N3C)

3 months 1 week ago
CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant people with initial and booster vaccinations during pregnancy had a lower risk of incident and severe COVID-19 infections compared to unvaccinated pregnant people across the pandemic stages. However, vaccinated pregnant people still had a higher risk of severe infections compared to non-pregnant females.
Qiuyuan Crystal Qin
1 hour 40 minutes ago
u54gm104938 OR gm104938: Latest results from PubMed
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