
Charges will be discussed with investigators at the start of each new project. Fees for some projects may be subsidized or waived, depending on OSCTR and institutional priorities, and the availability of funding.


Sharing of Samples and Study Data

The Clinical Resources Core provides access to samples and data from OSCTR-supported collections in the ACI Biorepository, as well as external sources such as the Oklahoma Blood Institute. Resource sharing through the Clinical Resources Core is subject to all relevant institutional policies. All requests require documentation of IRB approval for the study, and the appropriate material transfer agreements and data use agreements must be executed before resources will be shared.


Users of the Clinical Resources Core agree to abide by the material transfer agreements and data use agreements specific to the resources received. This includes, but is not limited to, any restrictions on investigators sharing the resources, requirements for sharing data back to the resource owner, and expectations for acknowledgment.


Acknowledgement and Authorship

Appropriate acknowledgement of Clinical Resources Core support is crucial for ensuring that these resources remain available for future research. Therefore, users must inform the Clinical Resources Core when preparing any manuscript, presentation, or press release made possible with Clinical Resources Core support.