Oklahoma Shared Clinical and Translational Resources Clinical and Translational Research Pilot (CTRP) Grants
The purpose of the program is to provide funding for collaborative and/or multi-disciplinary clinical and translational pilot projects between investigators of the OSCTR member institutions. The program seeks to support proposals designed to generate preliminary data that will result in improved health and/or healthcare for citizens of Oklahoma and other IDeA states and enhance the competitiveness of the investigators for future extramural funding. The program also seeks to fund innovative concepts, approaches, and methodologies that bring fresh new ideas to solving the health issues of those living in Oklahoma and collaborating IDeA states. Projects that focus on the medically underserved and on health concerns prevalent within Oklahoma and our OSCTR partners will be a priority. Only projects which meet the NIH definition of clinical and/or translational research will be accepted.
Approved CTRP grants will be funded for a period starting January 1, 2024 contingent on NIH approval of just in time (JIT) information. All funds are required to be expended by June 30, 2025.
The forms, instructions, and submission link can be found at: http://osctr.ouhsc.edu/pilots2023
Deadlines for submission: Pilot Proposal – Friday, September 15, at 5:00 PM CDT